Dress Code

At IMPAMUN, we encourage a dress code to uphold the professionalism and formality expected in a Model United Nations conference. This ensures that all participants engage under the same circumstances, fostering an environment of respect and equality. However, we deeply value diversity and inclusion, hence, no one will be forbidden or punished for their choice of dress or self-expression.

The dress code applies to everyone, and here you will find a document detailing the guidelines, along with visual recommendations to help you create the perfect outfit. If you do not have formal attire, you are welcome to participate in your formal student uniform. Our priority is to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment where all delegates feel confident and empowered to engage fully.

Additionally, we firmly believe that personal attire is a matter of individual choice. Therefore, no form of offense, disrespect, or harassment based on someone’s clothing will be tolerated at IMPAMUN.

Dress Code in Detail