Supreme Court of Justice

Case 1:

Appeal Concerning the Legality of Conviction and Violations of Fair Trial Rights, Including Allegations of Torture During Detention.

Mario Aburto v. The State

Case 2:

Israel Vallarta Cisneros v. The State

Appeal on the Legality of Extended Preventive Detention Without Sentencing

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Judicial Secretary

Chief Justice

Andrea Mancilla

Karla Ramírez


Alberto Pérez Dayán

Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena

Ana Margarita Ríos Farjat

Javier Laynez Potisek

Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo

Juan Luis González Alcántara

Lenia Batres Guadarrama

Loretta Ortiz Ahlf

Luis María Aguilar Morales

Norma Lucía Piña Hernández

Yasmín Esquivel Mossa

Room for 11 justices